Sandra Eleta Entering Portobelo as an Outsider

Interviewee: Sandra Eleta
Excerpt Description: In this excerpt, Sandra Eleta discusses her experiences entering Portobelo as an outsider and the ways in which the children of the town served as a bridge to integrate her into the community.
Entire Interview: Listen to the full interview and read the transcript.
Interviewer: Renee Alexander Craft
Secondary Interviewer: Lindsay Foster Thomas
Date of Interview: Jul-12
Interview Location: Her home in Portobelo, Panama
Interview Transcribed By: Oronike Odeleye
English Translation By: n/a
Ethnoracial Identity Discussed: N/A
Cultural Identity: N/A
Location Mentioned: Portobelo, Panama
Congo Spaces:
Congo Characters: N/A
Congo Tradition Mentioned: N/A
Cultural Organization: N/A
Themes Mentioned: Art, Purpose, Voice
Cultural Festivals: N/A
People Mentioned: N/A
Time Period Mentioned: 1964-1979
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Timestamp: 00:05:23.8-00:06:34.0

Photo by: Sandra Eleta