
Andres Jimenez Changes to Devil

In this excerpt, Maestro Andrés discusses the changes he witness in the tradition after the advent of “the road.” He especially focuses on the changes he has seen with respect to the devil character.

Andres Jimenez Impact of Tourism

In this excerpt, Maestro Andrés discusses the impact of tourism on the tradition, including the monetization of various aspects and changes in costuming. In describing the current tradition, he references the impact of the “the road” on the town. At this point in the recording, the tape appears to have sped up causing distortion.

Carlos Chavarria Style of Devil

In this excerpt, Chavarría discusses his particular style of “Devil” embodiment within the Congo tradition and the way others perceive of his performance. He also talks about the respect devils from outside of the community give to the devil of the town they are visiting. Each visiting devil must submit to the rules of the game as practiced by the local community.

Carlos Chavarria Devil’s Mask

In this excerpt, Chavarría discusses the ways in which the Devil’s mask initially captured his attention and the double perspective/participant-observer position that it provides.