In this excerpt, Maestro Andrés describes the meaning of the Congo tradition and several of its major characters.
Andres Jimenez Childhood Memories
In this excerpt, he discusses his favorite childhood memories of the tradition when the town was more isolated and Congo communities visited each other via boat during carnival season.
Andres Jimenez Impact of Tourism
In this excerpt, Maestro Andrés discusses the impact of tourism on the tradition, including the monetization of various aspects and changes in costuming. In describing the current tradition, he references the impact of the “the road” on the town. At this point in the recording, the tape appears to have sped up causing distortion.
Simona Esquina Changes to the Role of the Princess
In this excerpt, Esquina discusses the changes she has seen in the Congo tradition over the course of her lifetime. Specifically, she talks about the role that the princess character once played.